QWAG’s interpretative signs take the information out to places where people go…

Thanks to Urban Renaissance Lewisham Community Chest funding, QWAG have managed to do that. In recent months, three signs have appeared in the heart of Lewisham – one on platform 3 of the train station, one at the river confluence on the way out of the station and one in Quaggy Gardens.

These informative signs have formed part of a QWAG strategy to put signs along the Quaggy to let people know the history of their local river – where it comes from and how it has developed – and wildlife they can expect to see in it.

In conjunction with the Environment Agency, the latest sign has just been erected in Sutcliffe Park, where rejuvenation of the park has taken place as a multi-million pound scheme to reduce the risk of flood in the Lewisham area.

Sign design and artwork by Beverly Forst and Jon Kemp

Make a splash without getting wet!