Wednesday 15 March 2023
7.45pm: AGM.
8.30pm: Guest speaker – Dr Mark A. Spencer F.L.S
Forensic Botanist and Hon. Curator (Plants), Linnean Society of London
Layers of plants at the Thames Road Wetland, Bexley – an important site which hosts a diversity of wetland plants including nationally scarce Marsh Sow-thistle, and Purple Loosestrife, Marsh Woundwort, Water Mint, Water Speedwell, Brooklime, Great Willowherb, Water Figwort, Dittander, Lady’s Bedstraw, Brookweed, Square-stemmed St. John’s Wort, Skullcap, and Common Fleabane.
To join this event:
1. Book your space by emailing qwag@qwag.org.uk.
2. Joining details will be sent to those who have booked, usually on the day of the event.
3. The meeting will be held online via Zoom probably in two parts: AGM 7.45pm to 8.25pm and then Guest Speaker 8.30pm to 9.10pm.
More details here