We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our chair for the past three years, Ray Manchester, on 15th July.
Ray joined QWAG in 2001, bringing a range of technical, administrative and computer skills to the group. He quickly set about transforming this website before taking over the running of the group in 2006.
As chair, Ray was a dedicated campaigner against inappropriate developments along the Quaggy – particularly the Lewisham Gateway project – and his attention to detail ensured that his suggested enhancements to such schemes often received the attention they deserved.
For Ray, urban rivers were there to be enjoyed as well as campaigned for. He devised and led many entertaining and informative river walks, and instigated our popular ‘spring social’ walks for QWAG members – always carefully planned to finish near a pub! His other achievements as chair included broadening QWAG’s scope to include work with schools and restoration projects on other local rivers.
Outside QWAG, Ray completed more than 100 sessions as a Green Gym volunteer maintaining local nature reserves. He was captain of a pub crib team, an enthusiastic member of the Campaign for Real Ale and a local wine appreciation society, and a loyal supporter of Charlton Athletic through all its vicissitudes.
We shall all miss him greatly.