AGM 2016 + Guest talk: Pesky plants and knowing how to avoid them

Wednesday 16th March 2016

Join us from 7pm onward for QWAG’s famous AGM buffet

AGM (7.45pm-8.30pm)

Pesky plants talk (8.45pm-9.30pm) with Andrea Griffiths, Kent County Council and Medway Valley Countryside Partnership

Some plants may look innocent but can be real pests.

Giant hogweed, Himalayan balsam and other non-native invasive species cause damage approaching many millions every year.

They take over ponds and rivers, damage river banks and walls, add to flood risk and outcompete other native plant species leaving less space and habitat for native wildlife.

Some species even pose health risks from their sap. Know your role in keeping invasive plants at bay and keeping our ponds, rivers and waterways free.

Click here for more details.

Pesky plants

Make a splash without getting wet!